Wednesday, March 18, 2009

..jus a lil longer..

the only thing keeping me going is that spring break is next week! it can't come soon enough! i NEED a break from all this craziness! i will spend my break with my daddy who is coming from SF for my great grandma's service and learning some chem...but at least i will be learning it at my own pace as opposed to the crazy fast pace of Dr Smith. She is awesome but jeez...i am not nearly as awesome...give me a break.!.
i also have a hair appt and a grooming appt for tinkie. very excited for that as well! i gotta go write my lab report now...blah.!.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

..marine snow..

so when you look at this scene from the Disney animated movie Finding Nemo do you think that Disney did an awful editing job or do you know that those white specks are supposed to be there? well not only are they supposed to be there, they are one of the reasons why i love companies like Disney. Even though they are making an animated children's movie they employ real microbiologists and marine biologists to help them create a "real" environment. The white specks are marine snow, particles of dead and alive particles that float from the top waters to the deep ocean. such an important part of the biological pump that other movies like titanic seemed to "forget" when creating their underwater scenes. i am a dork, this i know. i was watching er once and i wanted to die, they called for a thousand milligrams of lorazepam STAT! what were they trying to do? kill the person immediately? little things like that make the world of a difference to me...thats why i like House...they use real drug names for real implications and the correct dosages!! okay i am done ranting and, good nite!

Monday, March 16, 2009

..his arms..

i found a place in which every moment, large or small, is enjoyed to the fullest; that place is in his arms.
boys have been anonymous figures on this blog since the beginning..i never mention names, i hardly reference to them in any specificity and that was maybe because thats how i lived my life. Maybe just maybe, i'm ready to change that.
j'ai un petit ami!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


another eight hour wait in line but....sooOOOooo worth it!

tokidoki is an awesome brand but knowing that this man is the mastermind behind it all makes me an even more faithful fan.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

..i have a problem..

i have an addictive personality. it is a good thing i never got involved in drugs or such. whew.
i was putting away my jackets from a week or so of school and i started to realize i have WAY TOO much clothes. i blame this on my mother. heh.

this is a picture of just my tokidoki, juicy and hello kitty t-shirts. i have a lot of others folded in drawers, these are just the ones that are hung up. i read a comment on the tokidoki blog, a girl said she has 15 tokidoki shirts...too many already...what? how could that be too many? i dont only wear t-shirts either...the other half of the closet is going out tops and such.
i also have a fascination for jackets, sweaters and hoodies! i think that they are an extension of your can't possibly wear the same one everyday. i also only wear juicy, tokidoki or hello kitty jackets, i love j pulls. only juicy girls know what that means..hehe. so i just put away 9 jackets this evening from this past week. its been really cold in hawaii! hehe...
the first step is admiting you have a problem right?!
oh and btw i just bought a new tokidoki t-shirt and hoodie this afternoon. whoops. the new collection came out...i couldn't help it.

Friday, March 6, 2009

..yay! yay! yay!..

sooOooOoo excited!
Simone Legno, artist of Tokidoki is coming to Hawaii AGAIN!
each time he came here i waited in line for 8 hours or so just to meet him!
i have got pictures with him and original tokidoki artwork which is framed and hanging!
did you notice every line ends with a ! haha..thats how excited i am!
i already checked with work and i have the day off...nordstrom parking lot here i come!