just by reading the title of this , i know what you are thinking. 'is this girl serious?!' well, YES i really am. my rph at work keeps telling me that hello kitty is for ten year old girls. i keep arguing that hello kitty has grown up and while she still caters to the little girls, she has a new big girl grown up side to her too. google her name, the things you will come up with will excite you! she is my hero for so many reasons...shes a japanese fashion icon, with that cute little bow in her ear, she has multiple friends and yes sometimes they do come and go..the good ones stick around and some of the good ones that she lets go, comes back around, she is blinged out more than ever and she knows collaborations are the key! Everything has a hello kitty version which absolutely thrills me yet makes my wallet cringe with fear, tshirts-books-computers-cameras-toasters-surfboards-guitars-even cars! i currently carry around a hello kitty pencil case with hello kitty pencils and pens, post its and even highlighters! =D there is even a webpage called "hello kitty hell" its made by a man whose wife is a major fan as well, he has come to deal with her obsession..my poor husband! ahaha. i'll elaborate more later, i'm reading the newest and greatest about my hero... =)