Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Studying is overrated!! I spent nights studying for this exam and i did awful! I might have done better without studying! Thats the way i've been getting by all this time. I am going back to my old ways! I'll just absorb the info from the air!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Today i fell in love. In absolute love with a dress. It is amazing and the price matches the amazingness. I need a reason or a place to wear it. I honestly cannot stop thinking about it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Im trying out sms blogging...i wonder how this works. Almost like a twitter?

Monday, April 13, 2009

..happy easter..

we dyed eggs! =)

pretty pretty eggs..

Saturday, April 11, 2009

..good times..

there once were two little girls.
they were either best friends or not friends at all.
now that they are older and wiser, best friends they will stay.

things were rough, as you can tell from the puzzled looks
how did you expect these two function in the world?
give them some alcohol and life becomes a little less foggy

throw in two more of the MOST amazing girls in the world
and everything works out fine

we went out for our bdays!
we are so colorful! i love it!

it was a wonderful night filled with my favorite people in the world!
it has been a looOng time but well worth the wait.
buuuuuuttttt, lets not wait this long for the next adventure please?!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

..jus a lil longer..

the only thing keeping me going is that spring break is next week! it can't come soon enough! i NEED a break from all this craziness! i will spend my break with my daddy who is coming from SF for my great grandma's service and learning some chem...but at least i will be learning it at my own pace as opposed to the crazy fast pace of Dr Smith. She is awesome but jeez...i am not nearly as awesome...give me a break.!.
i also have a hair appt and a grooming appt for tinkie. very excited for that as well! i gotta go write my lab report now...blah.!.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

..marine snow..

so when you look at this scene from the Disney animated movie Finding Nemo do you think that Disney did an awful editing job or do you know that those white specks are supposed to be there? well not only are they supposed to be there, they are one of the reasons why i love companies like Disney. Even though they are making an animated children's movie they employ real microbiologists and marine biologists to help them create a "real" environment. The white specks are marine snow, particles of dead and alive particles that float from the top waters to the deep ocean. such an important part of the biological pump that other movies like titanic seemed to "forget" when creating their underwater scenes. i am a dork, this i know. i was watching er once and i wanted to die, they called for a thousand milligrams of lorazepam STAT! what were they trying to do? kill the person immediately? little things like that make the world of a difference to me...thats why i like House...they use real drug names for real implications and the correct dosages!! okay i am done ranting and, good nite!

Monday, March 16, 2009

..his arms..

i found a place in which every moment, large or small, is enjoyed to the fullest; that place is in his arms.
boys have been anonymous figures on this blog since the beginning..i never mention names, i hardly reference to them in any specificity and that was maybe because thats how i lived my life. Maybe just maybe, i'm ready to change that.
j'ai un petit ami!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


another eight hour wait in line but....sooOOOooo worth it!

tokidoki is an awesome brand but knowing that this man is the mastermind behind it all makes me an even more faithful fan.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

..i have a problem..

i have an addictive personality. it is a good thing i never got involved in drugs or such. whew.
i was putting away my jackets from a week or so of school and i started to realize i have WAY TOO much clothes. i blame this on my mother. heh.

this is a picture of just my tokidoki, juicy and hello kitty t-shirts. i have a lot of others folded in drawers, these are just the ones that are hung up. i read a comment on the tokidoki blog, a girl said she has 15 tokidoki shirts...too many already...what? how could that be too many? i dont only wear t-shirts either...the other half of the closet is going out tops and such.
i also have a fascination for jackets, sweaters and hoodies! i think that they are an extension of your can't possibly wear the same one everyday. i also only wear juicy, tokidoki or hello kitty jackets, i love j pulls. only juicy girls know what that means..hehe. so i just put away 9 jackets this evening from this past week. its been really cold in hawaii! hehe...
the first step is admiting you have a problem right?!
oh and btw i just bought a new tokidoki t-shirt and hoodie this afternoon. whoops. the new collection came out...i couldn't help it.

Friday, March 6, 2009

..yay! yay! yay!..

sooOooOoo excited!
Simone Legno, artist of Tokidoki is coming to Hawaii AGAIN!
each time he came here i waited in line for 8 hours or so just to meet him!
i have got pictures with him and original tokidoki artwork which is framed and hanging!
did you notice every line ends with a ! haha..thats how excited i am!
i already checked with work and i have the day off...nordstrom parking lot here i come!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

..i really dont..

i really dont know how to study. i cannot study at home because my bed is so inviting and there is just so many other things to do. i cannot study at public places like Starbucks where i happen to be right now. i end up watching people as they walk in and out of the store. i look at what they are ordering, who they are with and the most important of it all what they are wearing. dont go to starbucks in your pjs cause i am watching you! i dont deal well with the cold so the library actually works out for me besides it being so cold that i can't think. so maybe these are all just excuses as to why i feel i have the attention span of a two year old. no matter where you place me, i still will be able to study for an hour at the most before i get bored! ever wonder how i got to where i am? me!

Monday, February 23, 2009

..who knew?..

so who knew that there are hundreds of cherry blossom trees in wahiawa? not me! yesterday while i was at work my mommy called me to tell me we are going to wahiawa. My first thought was, "huh? where is that?" and my second thought was "what in the heavens for?" So i was imagining waianae in my head and even today when i was telling my friend over lunch what i did yesterday i mentioned that i went to waimanalo. sigh, i need to get out more often. hehe.
anyway...there are hundreds of cherry blossom trees in bloom in wahiawa right now! pretty pretty flowers! A branch was brought from Japan long long long ago and it was passed around the community. These trees are very special to the Japanese cultural and they can only be grown in very very cold areas. I think i need a house in Wahiawa just so i can have a cherry blossom tree in my yard! even though i would prolly get lost everyday going home. =P
here are a few of the pics i took...the first is one of my favorites. i don't believe i took such a pic...haha...i'm proud of me! =)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

..i really didnt..

i really didnt want to do this. i really didnt want to let you know that you bother me but i can't hold it in anymore. If i thought you were adult enough to have a real conversation with me i would totally do this face to face but i know how you are and i know how you miscontrue things. So by having everything in writing in plain sight, there is no funny business and everyone is capable of reading exactly what i want to say.
i cannot stand when i hear that you are still talking about me. It's been a long time since we have been friends and i would hope that although we aren't friends anymore the feelings towards one another could at least be neutral. you dont have to like me very much or even at all but why all the negative feelings? We were friends, you said that was okay, you said that was all that you wanted. You knew i was talking to someone why again are you upset? why again were you telling people the WRONG story about us? again, it is fine that you dont like me, if thats what it takes to make you feel better, blame everything on me, i dont mind. What i do mind is you putting *Jk in the middle. We are totally separate entities, she can be friends with the both of us at the same time and have no problem, i dont talk about you so why do you feel the need to talk about me to her? Also if you want to talk crap, at least make sure your story is correct. I admit that i dont live my life perfectly, i have flaws and talk about them go ahead but dont make up flaws just so you have something to talk about. *Jk and i have conflicting schedules this semester, it has NOTHING to do with the multitude of boys that you think i am messing around with. In all honesty, i am seeing no one right now, not even one boy as opposed to the MANY you think i am. You were around for the whole ordeal of *L, he hurt me...are you happy? does that make you happy to hear that he hurt me? you wanted to be around to say "i told you so." You weren't around but say it now, maybe it will make you feel better. So its not that i am "messing" around with many boys, i won't let anyone close to me anymore, i am afraid of being hurt again. Does that make you happy? that i am afraid? as for the *Jh situation, i was being a friend to him when he needed one. Why is it wrong for a girl to be FRIENDS with a boy and want nothing more? i honestly thought that although we still aren't speaking, things at least died down...from the beginning you were giving others the wrong impression of i guess it shouldn't surprise me that you are still doing the same thing but i just wish you would stop.
so you hate me, you cant stand me, and you think awful thoughts about me.
get over it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


petit par petit l'oiseau construit son nid

Monday, February 9, 2009

..i'd rather..

i would honestly rather spend the rest of my life pretending than to forget you for one second. so let me just continue to live in the dream world that i occupy. it suits me very well.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009 for M-A-C..

i dunno how many times i have to say it but....
hello kitty anything is a great idea!

so i dont wear a lot of makeup but when i do its only MAC...
this collection makes me quite excited!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 step closer..

San Fran got their shipment of tokidoki for hello kitty in today! =D Lucky me that my daddy lives there! The San Fran store...lovely people btw...sent me a text and email this morning saying that the stuff was there! i instantly called my daddy. yay for daddies! So i got myself more of the coveted collection! I didn't wanna make him buy too much after all i had so many questions that he just wouldn't or couldn't answer...he said he couldnt describe things...the blanket was made out of a fleece like material, that was the best description of the blanket that i could get out of him. sheesh. anywhoo i will fight with the rest of the Hawaii people for the other things that i want when it finaaaallly gets here. i know i shouldnt complain because at least ala moana is getting a shipment in...after all only three stores in the US are so lucky. =)
so now that the SF store got their shipment in..we are one step closer of getting the goods into Hawaii...i can't wait! =D

Monday, January 26, 2009


mondays are so rough for me...well wednesdays and thursdays are pretty bad too...but lets complain about mondays since today is monday. =)
i start school at 8:30...have classes and or labs until 7:30...only one 50 minute break all at seven tomorrow morning and have a lab report due so you know that i stay up all nite monday writing my report that is due on tuesday.
i needed a break from lab writing so i decided to blog about how disturbing my mondays are.
on a happier note, my lab today is a good lab and my lab partner is *M..yay! i spent the remainder of my day with *J writing our reports that are due tomorrow..we make an awesome team! the fishies are doing awesome...swim swim swim! oh, and *J found my t-shirt online for me!! hehe, there are too many *J's out there...! Cubby you were right! =)
better get back to writing my report...
hope your monday was easier than mine! (even though if you work in a pharm, ur day was prolly just as hectic as mine!)

Sunday, January 25, 2009 update!!..

there was another batch of fishies!! more eggs and now more babies!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009 fishies!!..

the goldfish laid eggs!! all the lil white bubbles are eggs, they were everywhere! at first i thought they were fungus!

the baby fish are sooOooo tiny! there are two in this picture..idk if you can see them or not...i'm trying to take new pics of them but its so hard!

and....there are more eggs in tank today!! how exciting.. =D

Monday, January 19, 2009


i heart my nails!

give me a day off and this what i do
i get my nails done.. =)

idk if you can tell but they are butterflies

they are hand painted on each nail
and yes, these are my real nails =)
as you can tell..i don't do much
washing dishes is not on my list of things to do!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

..still alive..

yep, i'm still alive...
just been busy doing NOTHING..
school started this past week so back to the same daily grind
NO days off, either school or work, sometimes both!
thats okay, when i make my great big discovery it will all be worth it!

this is my lovely pharmacy..
we all went out to dinner the nite before school started
awesome bunch of peoples =)

actually went out on Wednesday...

Happy Birthday!!

i love this girl!!

Happy birthday *A

dinner and a discussion of life plans..

hehe, always a good time!