Wednesday, January 28, 2009 step closer..

San Fran got their shipment of tokidoki for hello kitty in today! =D Lucky me that my daddy lives there! The San Fran store...lovely people btw...sent me a text and email this morning saying that the stuff was there! i instantly called my daddy. yay for daddies! So i got myself more of the coveted collection! I didn't wanna make him buy too much after all i had so many questions that he just wouldn't or couldn't answer...he said he couldnt describe things...the blanket was made out of a fleece like material, that was the best description of the blanket that i could get out of him. sheesh. anywhoo i will fight with the rest of the Hawaii people for the other things that i want when it finaaaallly gets here. i know i shouldnt complain because at least ala moana is getting a shipment in...after all only three stores in the US are so lucky. =)
so now that the SF store got their shipment in..we are one step closer of getting the goods into Hawaii...i can't wait! =D

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