Monday, November 24, 2008

..i studied..

my flight was delayed! we left vegas on time, were flying in the air for two hours and then they made us turn around and go back to vegas! i was already freaking out, counting the hours i had left to make it back home on time to take my exam. counting and counting, if they take one hour to fix the plane i can still make it...if they take two hours...i can go straight to school from the airport and take my exam in my tinkerbell sweats...if they take any longer i am screwed. so sitting in the airport i think i almost lost my mind, no, i take that back, i did lose my mind checking my watch and watching as the minutes flew by, taking my chances to take my exam with them. So they said two hours to fix the plane...and granted they gave me a false sense of hope because they started to reboard the airplane before their two hours were up but....they made us sit in the plane in the airport for and hour and a half! so much for being on time...i really studied too...crap. so wanna know my exam grade? i don't even have to wait until the exams are handed back...i got a ZERO! ='(
i'll post about bsb later..i've got a huge paper due tomorrow. i dont wanna fail everything.. =/

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