i am a dork.
i really can't help myself...
this stuff fascinates me.
we ran experiments on soil samples that were randomly collected outside. Let me first tell you that microorganisms that produce antibiotics (the medicine you get when you are sick) capable of inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms are found in the soil! So next time you are romping around outside, think that you could be stepping on a microorganism that is yet to be discovered yet could have the potential to save your life in the future! or even just cure your cold.

this is a plate with two separate antibiotic producing organisms amongst many other types of bacteria. do you see how all the organisms grow alongside each other? Now look at the purple circle. notice how there is a clear zone surrounding the circle in the middle? That clear zone is caused by an antibiotic that is being produced, it is killing the other bacteria around it. Do you see another little guy that is producing antibiotics too?

...so much bacteria...so much potential...

the growth in the middle is just more growth of the initial organism. The little lines on the side are other types of known bacterias. Our little unknown organism produced antibiotics that were useful against the two bacteria species on the left hand side...see how there is no growth?
dorky? yep it sure is! =)
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