Tuesday, September 18, 2007

..hopes n dreams..

`when life offers u a dream so far beyond any of your expectations,
it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end
`even though i might not always be a part of your life
you will always be a big part of mine
i have all of our memories & i never forget
~a friend told me just the other night..when none of your friends have ever met your other half, the one you supposedly love and already hate him & think lowly of him..you aren't happy. Each one of my friends have never met my secret...yet they love him, love him for everything he is to me. They all wanna meet him, meet this incredible person who puts a smile on my face with just the simple thought of him. Guess what? I wanna meet him too...i wanna be let into his complex world...i honestly believe he completes me.
`i'm tired of being aggressive (its obviously not working)...i'll always know how he makes me feel...now it's time to wait till he feels the same...till then...i miss him..

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