Saturday, October 25, 2008

..interview questions..

wanna know something about me? a friend sent me these questions to answer and send back to him..decided to answer them can be a learning experience =D

1. if you could have one magical gift, what would it be and why.
if anyone knows me they know i am not into the whole super hero ability thing. my magical gift would have to be the ability to design and create awesome clothes. fashion is not an option! i honestly admire those that can draw and sew.

2. what is one fact about you that would surprise people?
everytime i say this people laugh but i am shy. i am friendly and care deeply about those that i choose to keep close to me but if i dont know you, you make me nervous. i would much rather stay home than go somewhere with people i dont know.

3. what is your motto?
i live by a few wise words..
be the best person that you can be to each person you meet, you never know what you will mean to them..always remember the meeting of one person can change your life and life for all those around you
Everything happens for a reason

4. what would you like to be?
your favorite person

5. one trait you look for in a man

6. songs you are currently listening to nonstop
*i love my music!
britney spears - womanizer
ne-yo's new cd..its been on constant play in my car
gavin rossdale - love remains the same
pink - so what!
and sooOoo much more...hehe, but i won't go on

7. pet peeves
oh we go...
i can't stand bad grammar, spitting disgusts me, littering, dirty ketchup bottles (or any type of dirty bottle for that matter), clothes that don't fit people right, cheapy clothes (im not snobby..the fabric is awful and its so mass produced everyone ends up wearing the same thank you), people who think they know more about their medication than i do, being ignored and one letter text messages. besides that i'm pretty easy going =P

8. what is the last book that you read?
how boring of me to say my micro text book. =(

9. what is your greatest fear?
lizards..especially komodo dragons and not living life to its fullest

10. what is the best advice someone has given you recently?
just let go

11. name a few things that excite you?
really good food, vacations and travelling, ice cream, netflix movies in the mail, awesome clothes and new shipments of hk or tokidoki

Welcome to my world... =D

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