Sunday, July 1, 2007 was a looong week..

`hopes for a sweeter upcoming week

O-o my onlee piece of serenity o-O
`i dont know why but this past week didnt seem to want to end
`i didn't go out on my usual nights..heck i didnt even go out
`flaked out on one too many things...whoops! sorry guys..just couldn't seem to find the motivation to get there
`went to work late twice in one week...once, didnt have an excuse in the world to help me, i got awoken by my manager callin me on the phone...i had to ask him.."what day is it?"
`i dont want to put the blame on anything but myself but i really think this new b/c is the cause of all my makes me fatter, which in turn makes me sad, which leaves me a sad fat girl sittin at home with my kids (dont laugh...its true!)
`so..i decided to take back control of my life...i made a schedule for this upcoming week...with time slots for the kids...exercise (something i reaaaallly need to do)...n i decided to look for another job to challenge myself n really start applying for schools
`i thought i wanted to play...i cant lie it was fun...but its just not me, i think im done
`i found something/someone worth my time n effort so enough playing n time to get on with life...make something of myself n start taking care of those who mean the most to me
O-o.look out world, i'm on another mission.0-O

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